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Swimming Challenge 2024...

šŸŠā€ā™€ļøā€˜ALL4U Family Team Challenge šŸŠā€ā™€ļø

As it is a New Year we thought it would be good to set an agency challenge.

When looking at the attached and thinking about the importance of swimming as an essential life skill we thought we would try out doing an agency swimming challenge in 2024.

Swimming is not just fun, swimming also provides loads of health benefits which can help to keep us healthy and happy at the same time. Swimming provides challenges and rewards accomplishments, which helps individuals to become self-confident and believe in their abilities.

We would like to see if as an agency we could reach the goal this year of swimming 24 miles for 2024 !! This is the equivalent of 773 lengths of a 50 metre pool.

We are not going to be too exact with this but across the agency we would like as many people as possible, carers, staff, children, back-up carers to try and swim a total of 773 lengths/widths as a team over 2024 (any length or width of a pool will count, even half widths will still count to the total). Whether you and the children are confident and regular swimmers or completely new to swimming, even half a width would be a big part in achieving the team goal.

If you would like to take part in this challenge please let us know and we will set up a whatsapp group of all those taking part so you can let us know when any of you have completed any lengths/widths and we will keep a tally and as always any pictures are always appreciated. We will keep everyone updated with the challenge as we progress and there may be some prizes and certificates along the way.


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