Just a brief update on the ALL4U swimming challenge, our carers and children are ‘splashing’ it !!
We have had 5 carers and 6 children who have let us know about lengths they have been completing towards the challenge. Given how well everyone has been doing and not to make it too easy for you all we have calculated lengths based on a 25 metre pool (50metres was too easy for you all). So the team total so far is 1,086 lengths which is the equivalent of 16.8 miles, AMAZING in such a short time ! To reach the goal of 24 miles in 2024 there is another 459 lengths to go. Big shout out to Julie, Cliff, Michele, Lisa, Lizzie and the 6 children who have all contributed so far.
Anyone who wants to take part just let us know and keep us updated with the lengths you are doing – KEEP SWIMMING!