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ALL4U Fostering praised by Ofsted inspectors for creating 'a family-oriented service'

The report from ALL4U’s initial Ofsted inspection in 2018 has just been published (18 May 2019).

It summarises our strengths:

  • children’s day to day experiences are good

  • strong attachments with foster carers

  • children say they feel happy and safe

  • children are making good progress

  • foster carers spoke highly of ALL4U’s managers and felt supported and valued with regular support groups, good relationships, responsive managers and good training (to meet the complexities of children’s needs)

Mark Thomas, ALL4U’s Head of Service, said:

"ALL4U’s development in such a short time has been rapid and reflects the attraction of our family values.
Some marvellous foster carers have joined us and I am so pleased that the effectiveness of their work and their approach has been recognised by Ofsted.
As a new agency the improvements in our development plan have been well noted and are obviously required to continue.
The Inspectors were quite right to highlight matching; risk assessment; documentation and recording; and strategic planning, monitoring, scrutiny and challenge.
A great deal has already happened in the last six months, since the Inspectors were here. We are looking forward to their next visit."

Also in response, ALL4U’s founder and chair, Marion Layberry OBE, said:

“I am delighted that Ofsted has concluded that ALL4U has created a family-oriented service. That is exactly what we wanted to achieve."

Click link to read the full Ofsted Report:


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